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About Us

155 GWhr

Thermal energy generated

115 GWhr

Thermal energy generated

80,635 MT

CO2 emission

Natus Solar is World’s Largest Solar Radio-Thermal energy and Hydro-Thermal energy producers and total system solution providers.  The Core Technology invention and production is state of the art using “The Natural Phenomenon” to produce alternate clean and green energy for Cooling, Heating and Steam solutions in a broad spectrum.


Natus Solar is an Alternate Energy generator of Clean and Green Energy Company via its Solar Thermal Technology, Systems, Engineering, Products, and Solutions that produces Cooling, Heating and Steam Solutions and Applications. 


The various technology, products, solutions and applications provided by Natus Solar is world’s largest energy and carbon savers.  The state-of-the-art technology, products and solutions create, generates not only alternate energy but value for the customers and consumers.

Some of Natus Solar’s Primary Value Creations are:

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Energy Savings up to 100%


ROI in 4 to 5 Years


Zero Maintenance – Fully automated System with Sensors, AI and IOT


4 to 5 Times Returns during the life time of the System

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Positive Carbon Credits


No negative Carbon footprint


Life Time Expectancy is from 22 to 25 Years


100% Natural, Alternate Green and Clean Energy

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